What can  publishers do when their culture moves behind glass?

Regularly, we have a quick chat at Toast about one of the pages of our website. It’s the page dedicated to publishers, a segment of our prospective clients.

The question is, why do we keep this page up if we currently do not have a signed publisher on board?

The reason is that we want to be there when most of them really start to switch over to multiplatform storytelling. Go ahead, forward this article to a publisher you know, who knows what can happen. 😉

When you think about book publishing, you think about reading. Right? You don’t think about:

  • Watching.
  • Interacting.
  • Playing.

Well this is what publishers are thinking more and more, and it is exactly the conclusion that Tishna Molla is coming to as she surveys the current state of things in the publishing industry.

This week’s article comes from the FMC’s Trendscape blog and is packed with examples of what innovative publishers are doing.

It would take too much space to list everything she brings up in the article, I highly recommend you head over there to take it all in!

(I’ll now head back to watching the Super Bowl, Seattle is currently crushing Denver 29-0 in the 3rd quarter)