A high-performing content program doesn’t just appear out of thin air. It has to be rigorously planned and mapped. The notion of content governance is what puts it all in place.

How is the content team spread in your organization?

Who is responsible for which part of the process?

Speaking of process, what are the stages through which all content must go through?

And finally, what is the checklist that makes sure everything is respected, from a legal and standards standpoint, for the content that was produced?

These are essentially the 4 questions every content leadership team must ask themselves and then document and communicate.

Lauren Pope, from GatherContent, has done a great job at summarizing the 4 key elements of content governance:


  • Structure – a simple explanation of how content is structured in the organization.
  • Roles and responsibilities – a clear idea of the roles around content and the responsibilities that come with them.
  • Process and workflow – a detailed process and timeline covering every stage of your content lifecycle.
  • Standards and policy – a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines your content should adhere to.


If you had to grade yourself on these 4 elements, how satisfied would you be?

When running your content operations, these 4 guidelines should be known and followed by all your team and constituents.

This is how you can have a great operation that runs smoothly, with as little hick ups as possible, allowing your creative minds to focus on the right stuff: content itself.